Friday, June 14, 2013


I have a bunch of best friends.They were with me through ups and downs. I feel guilty because of one reason. I thought they don't trust me. Thinking again. If they didn't trust me,they won't treat me so nice. 
Although they kept things from me,but I understand why. It is because I had accidentally say out their secrets. I didn't do it on purposely i swear. 
I am the blur queen among them. Actually,my nickname is sotong(aka squid). Maybe they scared i might accidentally say out their secrets.
Sometimes,knowing more might not be a good thing. It might bring you troubles that you don't want. 
Everyone have their own secret. Telling someone is your own risk. I do tell them my secrets but that is because i trust them,i know they won't say. If someone doesn't wish to tell you their secrets,don't pressure them. Think positively. 
Knowing more might bring you troubles.

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