Sunday, February 23, 2014

self-esteem issue.

Long time no update my blog as I was really busy. Well, today I just wanna type out how I feel. 
I have really low self-esteem. My friends around me are pretty, cute , skinny and stuffs. I am really jealous of them. When my friends said they are fat , I always thought that I will be the obese one if they are fat. I will always suddenly go emo at one corner because they are so pretty and skinny. Last year, I skipped meals and I ended up having  gastric problem. I tried to go for a run every Sunday but it only lasted for a very short period of time. Sigh. Well, thankfully this year my school is doing fitness and conditioning. I guess my stamina is slowly increasing. I don't think I can last very long again sigh. Sometimes I cut because of my self-esteem issue. People are telling me that I am not fat , but I just can't ... sigh.
2NE1 - Ugly 
I think I'm ugly and nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty , I wanna be pretty
Don't lie in my face, telling me I'm pretty.


I'm smiling but dying inside already.

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