Saturday, December 7, 2013

no title hehehe

First day of tuition for sec 2 and worned out:/ but luckily I was with ma best friend:-D  I was late (as usual:b) hahha.oops. then we went for dinner at macs(unhealthy tsk tsk) but once in a while is okayy:) while walking home, we have our conversation on the topic of lifee. Hahah. Weird isnt it?:^ Well, like what I told my another friend, ever since I came back,my plans are hanging out w friends, rotting at home [omg] and going tuition. I dont really have special plans which is really sad:// 

And and and! Hyorin won music core todayyyy! [YAYZZZZ] HEHHEHE. Too happy:""

Well, I hope there are 2 winners. One is hyorin and the other is 2NE1 ♡♡ but it is impossible:/
 hyorin unnie showing off her trophy and thanking her fans! (Hyotties and STAR1 FTW!!)

With jogie :: hehehhe [covered her burger cuz it is too awkward]

As promised, i will upload some of me and qt pie's picture so yeahhh.
Qt pie being cute and me being awkward oops. :"

Sorry for being unglamm:"

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