Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hello!! Hahahha. This Monday seems like a Sunday to me. Special Monday:)
During my exam, I almost fall asleep before finishing my paper. Luckily I tried to keep myself awake by doing some stretching. Hahah.
After the paper, I went to tamp to get some foodie food! Hahha. Then,my friends and I set off to Janis's house.
At Janis's house, we made some pancake and nutella oatmeal. It was successful!:3
Then,we do the same old things--- war,taking pictures and going to the pool and fitness corner. We had really a great timeee!
Today, is also a day I found out me and my crush got favorite song when I saw the lyrics of Nikki Flores - Erased. Our favourite song was big bang- bad boy.:')
Hmmm.. a good and memorable day isn't it?:') 

Nutella oatmeal:)

Pancake with nutella:) YUMYUMMMM:D


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