Wednesday, October 16, 2013

letting go.

Finally,i'm letting go.It isn't easy to let go someone. 
Letting go of someone you like,isn't easy.
You gotta deal with pains such as getting hate by people(unknowingly),
and of course,
tbh,i tried to give up more than 10 times. I thought i could but actually,i can't. 
I do not know why am i still holding on when you have already gave up.
Well,after 1 month or maybe more,i finally let go. 
"Heartbreaks change people"
I learned to stay strong when you left me. Thank you:) xx

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hello!! Hahahha. This Monday seems like a Sunday to me. Special Monday:)
During my exam, I almost fall asleep before finishing my paper. Luckily I tried to keep myself awake by doing some stretching. Hahah.
After the paper, I went to tamp to get some foodie food! Hahha. Then,my friends and I set off to Janis's house.
At Janis's house, we made some pancake and nutella oatmeal. It was successful!:3
Then,we do the same old things--- war,taking pictures and going to the pool and fitness corner. We had really a great timeee!
Today, is also a day I found out me and my crush got favorite song when I saw the lyrics of Nikki Flores - Erased. Our favourite song was big bang- bad boy.:')
Hmmm.. a good and memorable day isn't it?:') 

Nutella oatmeal:)

Pancake with nutella:) YUMYUMMMM:D
