Saturday, August 24, 2013

No pain, no gain.

In this world, you have to work hard to achieve goal.
Same for love. Only after we were hurt, then we can learn to be smarter and stronger.
Recently,  because of some reasons so I was sad and depressed. I had gone through lots of heartbreaks. These pains are the ones that make me become stronger. 伤了,痛了,懂了(hurt, pain , understand)
After all heartbreaks, I did get over it but there is alway something that we cant let go. I guess it is the memories.  Feelings may fade but memories never die, never fade. I don't know if he felt the same as me but it is all over.
It's okay if he don't. I will work harder to improve myself.
还是要幸福 by Hebe Tian
你還是要幸福 你千萬不要再招惹別人哭
I wish you happiness, do not cause tears to fall from another cheek
所有錯誤從我這裏落幕 別跟著我 銘心 刻骨
 All wrongs will end here, do not follow and stay with me forever

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