Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vanz bday party

Hi guys! On 19 July,i went to Vanz birthday party that was organized by Jia Qi :-) Vanz birthday is actually today, 20 July. 

ootd :-)

Kimberly's ootd
Ig @itsxkimberlyx

Jia Qi's ootd
twitter @jiaqitjq

     Sooooo... It all started 2 weeks ago, JQ told us that she wants to give van a surprise and asked us to be cold towards Vanz. I lied to Vanz saying that i dont know anything about her birthday hehe. On the 19th,we woke up at 8 am in the morning to prepare for her birthday. I was supposed to meet Vanz and NAT for breakfast but i went late so she went to collect her passport. Meanwhile, i met YQ and went to buy box and card for van. Then, we rushed back to van hse to start the wrapping and we met Janis. Soon, Shahzad and the others all came in. While they were decorating the room,i went out to meet Vanz. I tried to hold her back but she was like so eager to go home. When she called her friend to find alvin , me and NAT was totally panicking.
Feeling awkward....
On the bus.
       Both NAT and I went to buy food and when JQ called me said we can go back to Vanz home,we moved off. We were asked to let van walk in front and she was screaming , thinking that we were prank her 😂 when van went into the room. The poppers sound were everywhere. Van went into her room and were so touched by us and almost cried. 
Birthday girl's room;-)
        After that we went down to cut cake. We took poloriads together and sang birthday song for vanz.
with the birthday girl:-)

  Finished with the cake,we went down to play game. Question will be asked and van have to ans it correctly otherwise there will be ppl throwing flour at her. Basically... She answered all wrongly. She became a Snow White and alvin the prince appeared. It's like some fairytale hahah!

Snow white vanz

Snow white's prince Alvin!

Group photo of our school people who went ytd :)
At about 3 plus, we all went to Kallang Leisure Park except for Vanz and jq and her other friends. We went there to sit,eat and play bowling. 
yum yum

A tiring yet happy day came to an end:-) 
Vanz bday party will be on Vanx Jqx YouTube channel! Do subscribe and support them!!

            Once again, happy birthday BFF Vanz 
pretty vanz turned 14!

selfie w van and her other friends:-)

Follow me on insta @minnruuu
Tweet me @xminrux

Monday, July 7, 2014

Taiwan (part 2)

SORRY GUYS! School just started and I went home late everyday so I didn't get a chance to blog and watch my variety shows zzz.
                  So as promised,here comes PART 2!!
DAY 2 in taiwan
  The morning call woke everyone up at 7 am. Quite early but it's okay,because we are gonna have a great day ahead! I am lazy so I let Yu Jie(roommate) to wash up first. Meanwhile,I continued to watch Tom and Jerry in my bed. I woke up,brushed teeth,wash face,get changed and move down to level 3 for breakfast. The breakfast there was surprisingly good. I seriously don't mind going there everyday for breakfast okay. We sat with the teachers.. it was so... awkward._. Alright,moving on, we went onto the bus and set off to Huai Sheng Guo Zhong(怀生国中) Kinda nervous because we gonna have a buddy there and I am like damn awkward... IDK!!
   After 10 -15 mins of bus ride.. we finally reached. The students there clapped their hands to welcome us. I was actually shocked by their friendliness. HAHA I'm easily scared. After finding my partner...we went up the stairs. Without talking or wtv. It is just purely AWKWARD. When everyone was interacting with their partner, both of us were actually looking around..Then I took out the map of Taiwan which is damn awkward. He introduced me to the places that I am going to visit during the trip. After that, it was time for school tour! He brought me around the school..I can't really remember where did we go.. erm but I remember he brought me to his class and I saw junk food under their table. I was kind of jealous because we cannot eat in class,not even sweet. We returned to class for some dessert. IT WAS SO YUMMY!!
yumzzzz <3
   He lent me his hotspot and I used phone for like 15 mins ... Time for English class. The teacher there are so hilarious. They are friendly and kind. Just like my FT. hehe. We had some Bingo session and end of school for us haha. We left at 12 and set off for lunch which 小笼包 aka Dumplings. I don't really like eating those as I always tend to feel like vomiting but the Xiao Long Bao there was unexpectedly good! :-)
    After lunch, we went to a famous TV production there. We saw how the system there work out. Like crops and stuffs. It was quite cool.

paranormal :-)

    Then,we set off to DIY 鳳梨酥 aka Pineapple Cake. It was really fun! The Pineapple Cake there are famous so it is definitely recommended! We went for a tour of how they made it and bought some gifts for our family. Then we set off to 西門町!  

Our product yayness!

More info :
   After 1 hour plus of shopping! Time for dinner! We went to the Toilet Themed Restaurant for dinner. It was really good. I really Enjoyed the food there. After that we went back to hotel. After I bathe, I went down to their room and something happened... and everyone went back to their room. At Xi Men Ding, I bought Cup noodle for supper. It was quite a big bowl so I shared with my partner:-) After all those we start to rest. We watched tv until we fell asleep.. And we ended our day :-)
More info :
My Food hehe. It taste great!

My dessert. POO! Nah kidding.
Follow me on Instagram - @minnruuu
                      Twitter - @xminrux