This year, the way of celebrating RHD is so much different from last year. It was my first time wearing Baju Kurung( Malay traditional costume). At first, I didn't really like is because it is long-sleeved(which made me feels hot at times) and the skirt was long until it covered my ankle. I almost stepped onto the skirt when standing up -_- The fun part is I can hold my skirt while walking up the stairs hehe :D I also dunno why I like to do that. Maybe it makes me feel like I'm holding a wedding dress AHAHA.
During recess, I went to take poloroid w my best friends :D heeheh 5 of us were wearing beautiful ethnic costume. We looked so prettyy in the pictureeee hahah.
Last two periods was fun too. We learnt Bangla dance which I had never tried it until that day. The dance was weird but I still had lots of fun learning it.
I really enjoyed myself and appreciate the event a lot:3